Six Simple Things You Need Do Right Now to Make Your Office a Safer Place

Six Simple Things You Need Do Right Now to Make Your Office a Safer Place

Six Simple Things You Need Do Right Now to Make Your Office a Safer Place

It stands to reason that most accidents occur where we spend most of our time. So, given the amount of hours many people spend in an office environment doing their daily jobs, it’s imperative that all proper safety precautions are observed to keep them safe. Here are six simple yet essential ways you can keep your employees safer and happier at work.

  1. Provide better lighting – affecting everything from productivity and concentration to general safety, the right lighting makes a bigger difference than you might think. Even when employees don’t consciously notice the difference, eye strain will set in and more accidents and mistakes will occur. There are simple ways to improve the lighting in the workplace that will make a big difference, such as letting in as much natural light as possible, replacing bulbs as needed, using energy-efficient lighting solutions, and rearranging the space to allow better access to areas near windows and other well-lit areas.


  1. Install glow-in-the-dark exit signs—even for those very familiar with their daily environment, an emergency situation can generate disorientation and panic. Aside from the stress created by an emergency evacuation, darkness from a blackout or a smoke-filled environment can make it impossible to locate that once-familiar green exit sign. This why an emergency exit sign using photoluminescent technology for your office’s emergency egress route is an absolute must. Able to function from the power of absorbed light, an emergency exit only sign made of photoluminescent material glows immediately when the lights go out or visibility is compromised. Use the right exit only sign to get your employees to the correct exit and out of the building quickly.


  1. Organize electrical cords—messy cords can cause visual and mental stress, not to mention create dangerous tripping hazards. Invest in quality floor cord covers with a low profile for a smooth walking surface that won’t be an accident waiting to happen. Easy to install, this product will protect the many cords associated with office items while reducing the risk of tripping.


  1. Use proper storage – messes create an environment where accidents are more likely. Everything from drawers that don’t close properly, to loose papers, to items placed unexpectedly in walkways are accidents in the making. Invest in sturdy storage solutions and organize your workspace. You’ll notice a difference in safety, stress levels, and work efficiency.


  1. Make hand sanitizer accessible—unfortunately, not everyone stays home when they are contagious, and offices are one of the places where germs can spread most rapidly. One of the ways common viruses are spread is when hands make contact with a contaminated surface, then a person touches their face. Thus, keeping hands clean is an excellent preventative. Employees are far more likely to make use of germ-killing measures if hand sanitizer is abundant and easily accessible around the office. This simple effort will cut back on sick time and lost productivity.


  1. Apply non-slip mats—slippery surfaces are a common source of accidents, especially in office bathrooms, kitchens, and stairwells. A simple, easy way to prevent falls on slippery surfaces is to adhere non-slip mats wherever the surface does not provide adequate friction.
2020-05-07 20:26:00
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