What is the Difference Between Coating and Laminating Textiles?

What is the Difference Between Coating and Laminating Textiles?

What is the Difference Between Coating and Laminating Textiles?

What is the Difference Between Coating and Laminating Textiles?

Textile LaminationThe processes of coating and laminating have become much more important enhancement techniques for adding performance and aesthetic value to textiles. Custom coating and lamination processes will enhance and extend the range of functionality, the ability to perform as intended, and the overall inherent properties of textiles, all of which have been consistently proven after receiving proper customer coating and laminating services. The use of custom coating and laminating services has recently experienced extensive growth, quite rapidly, because the applications and uses for textiles have become much more expansive and diverse. In addition, in order to save money, specialized coating and laminating have enabled businesses to utilize cheaper textile and fabric structures because the service can still provide a value to the end user, while simultaneously offering higher profit margins to the manufacturer. The key to successful implementation of textile coating and textile lamination really depends on the way the service is applied to the textile, along with the use of appropriate technology, relying heavily on modern machinery. While the productivity of the coating and laminating system that is in place is important, the flexibility of the service provider’s custom coating and laminating operations is critical to success. Production speed and the versatility of the service provider’s coating and / or laminating methods are crucial factors to consider when deciding on the appropriate service provider. Other distinctions the separate average coating and laminating providers from skilled ones include a high level of process monitoring, process control, high end technical specifications, and automation – all of which lead to a much likelier customer satisfaction rating. Both coating and laminating are two efficient and functional product enhancing processes that are used make an appropriate finish to a textile material, or materials, so the materials can be used for a specific purpose. However, both coating and lamination have distinct features that separate the two product enhancement services. Custom coating formulations that have different textile grade polymers, such as PVC, PU, acrylic, and PTFE are most notably used to make a multifunctional textile product that can serve several purposes. Some of these purposes include creating waterproof protective clothing, tarpaulin, different kinds of protective clothing, and electrical insulation, among other purposes. If a company were to choose a lamination process over a coating process, then they are likely needing product functionalities that are very different from how coating processes enable a textile to perform. Generally, specialized lamination services are required to prepare certain textile products with the ability to be utilized for daily needs in what most people would consider practical life applications. These daily needs include a desire to blackout curtains and blinds, or to add an improved aesthetic feature to a textile that you notice and/or use everyday. Enhancing the durability or application of a product is the typical reason to laminate. If you have questions about textile lamination and what application would be best for your product, contact a Jessup representative today to weigh cost factors and get sound advice from experienced manufacturers.
2014-12-17 18:29:00
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